fake news
By JD Heyes
Google decrees that liberal delusions are now “facts” via circular logic: Only liberal fact-checkers are allowed to determine “facts”
In a normal world, in normal political times, this kind of buffoonery would be easily discernible: Google, one of the world’s largest media companies, is using other media entities as “fact-checkers” who have themselves been repeatedly found to be altering facts in order to push a far-Left Marxist agenda. But alas, we don’t live in […]
By Thomas Dishaw
Facebook’s “fake news” crackdown is a deliberate attempt to destroy the independent media
In an attempt to fulfill their promise made back in December to crack down on so-called “fake news,” Facebook has begun to mark content they deem unsubstantiated as “disputed.” Tech new website Recode reports that these stories will now contain a message saying that the selected article has been disputed by its fact checkers, and […]
By Mike Adams
Beyond fake news… How Google just became FAKE SEARCH by blacklisting independent journalism
You’ve already heard about FAKE NEWS, the mainstream media’s repeated fabrication of false facts portrayed as real. Who can forget the Washington Post’s ridiculous fabrication of a “Russian conspiracy theory” that claimed Natural News and 200 other independent websites were secretly run by the Kremlin? In just the last 10 days, in fact, five major […]
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