By Vicki Batts
Nuclear engineer says Fukushima is “as close to hell as I can imagine,” contamination will linger for decades
The devastation imparted by the Fukushima meltdown in 2011 is still in effect, and it’s likely that the radiation from the nuclear power plant will be in our environment for a very long time. Recent reports have indicated that the level of radiation at the disaster site is still unbelievably high, such that cleaning up […]
By Vicki Batts
Fukushima catastrophe continues to worsen after six years of ongoing meltdowns
The “unimaginable” levels of radiation at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant have been widely reported on; in early February 2017, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) reported that the radiation levels inside reactor 2 had reached a devastating 530 sieverts per hour. Just a mere five sieverts is enough to be lethal in a matter of months, […]
By Vicki Batts
COVER-UP: GE handled Fukushima’s nuclear reactor design, knew it was faulty … “so flawed it could lead to a devastating accident”
General Electric, commonly referred to as “GE,” doesn’t have the best reputation; the company’s history is rife with criminal, civil, ethical and political offenses. But perhaps one of the most morally questionable aspects of GE centers on an event that happened across the globe: the Fukushima nuclear accident. The corporate giant designed five of the […]
By News Editors
The media can no longer hide the truth about Fukushima; the entire world is in danger
We first want to thank Fox News for FINALLY reporting on a subject that has been highly censored by the mainstream media for the past 5+ years, the situation in Fukushima, Japan is completely out of control. While Fox News recently reported that radiation levels at Fukushima were now at ‘unimaginable levels’ more than 5 […]
By Mike Adams
Media blackout over “unimaginable” radiation levels detected at Fukushima… MOX fuel melts through reactor floor… half life of 24,000 years
There are times when I’m convinced humanity is a suicidal cult of complete idiots whose only real achievement is figuring out increasingly obscene ways to distract themselves from reality. While everyone was busy watching Lady Gaga channel Satanic symbolism and occult imagery in front of 100 million viewers at the Superbowl, the Fukushima nuclear accident […]
By Amy Goodrich
Record radiation level detected at Fukushima reactor “unimaginable,” could kill human from even brief exposure
Radiation levels inside a damaged nuclear reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan have hit a record high since the plant suffered a triple nuclear meltdown almost six years ago. The latest readings – described by experts as “unimaginable” – now pose a serious challenge as officials prepare to dismantle the disaster-hit […]
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