By Mike Adams
New York Times confirms Natural News investigation: Mumps now spread mostly by vaccinated children
The New York Times is now confirming that Natural News has been right all along about the real cause of mumps outbreaks in America. In a bombshell article entitled, “Mumps Makes a Comeback, Even Among the Vaccinated,” the NYT admits that vaccinated children are spreading mumps. Via the NYT: (bolding added) Most of the recent […]
By Mike Adams
The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks: Natural News to expose the shocking true history of science and medicine on November 7… see video trailer
On November 7, 2017, Natural News will release a mind-blowing video lecture that documents the multiple vectors through which “science” and “medicine” continue a covert agenda to exterminate people of African descent from the human gene pool. Going far beyond the Tuskegee medical experiments and Flint, Michigan lead poisoning schemes that specifically targeted blacks — […]
By JD Heyes
Natural News targeted by sophisticated DDOS attack; Health Ranger suspects CDC behind “expensive” effort to silence debate on vaccine safety
If you tried to visit Natural News and several of our affiliated websites including popular search engine over the past 48-plus hours and were unsuccessful, you certainly were not alone. That’s because we were hit with a highly sophisticated DDoS — direct denial of service — attack that our founding editor Mike Adams, the […]
By Mike Adams
Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media
The fake news media (CNN, WashPo, NYT, etc.) doesn’t want you to see any of the scientific evidence presented here for the simple reason that it shows mercury in vaccines is damaging to children. If printed, the collection of studies and author citations found here is over 50 pages in length, and it reveals precisely […]
By Mike Adams
The ten timeless principles that drive the mission of Natural News and the Health Ranger… (and made us an enemy of the deranged status quo)
As every intelligent person has now come to realize, any individual who espouses fundamental principles of protecting life, liberty and truth is systematically demonized in our twisted, deranged society. Following Google’s blatant censorship of Natural News for no justifiable reason, a wave of malicious defamation attacks and hit pieces was unleashed against Natural News, calling […]
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