Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. asks why liberals lose their minds and abandon all principles when it comes to the issue of vaccines

One of the basic tenets of liberalism, at least in a classical sense, is the idea that government is necessary to protect individual liberty. It’s a doctrine that centers around emancipating the individual from undue subservience to oppressive authoritarian ideals, whether they be cultural, ethnic or otherwise. But when it comes to certain pet issues like vaccines, for instance, many liberals take a completely opposite approach in defiance of personal freedom.

While claiming to champion “tolerance” above all else for things like abortion on demand and unlimited “rights” for members of the LGBT cult, many liberals all but lose their minds when the idea of vaccine choice is brought to the table. Somehow, making medical decisions for oneself is entirely off limits whenever these decisions defy what the rest of the “herd” is expected to comply with – something that vaccine truth advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sees as a major societal problem.

In a recent article, Kennedy unpacks the duplicitous nature of many liberal-leaning media outlets that seem more than willing to discuss issues related to pharmaceuticals, but that ignore or even censor all honest discussion about vaccine science (or more accurately the lack thereof).

Kennedy takes particular issue with the fact that many left-leaning media outlets are constantly haranguing about other civil rights issues, taking a “my body, my choice” approach to pretty much everything other than vaccine truth (and by default, vaccine choice). Liberals seem to want to force all people to get vaccinated, even against their will, because the science is supposedly “settled” on the matter, but at the same time demand that the government “stay away from my body.”

It’s hypocrisy at its most disturbing, and Kennedy would like to see these same media groups held to account for it. Liberals can’t claim to support civil rights and individual choice while openly advocating for mandatory “medicine” that’s known to cause serious harm and even death in some of the people who receive it.

“Instead of demanding blue-ribbon safety science and encouraging honest, open and responsible debate on the science, liberal blogs shut down discussion on this key public health and civil rights issue, and silence critics, treating faith in vaccines as a religion; the heresy of questioning dogma meets with anathema and excommunication,” writes Kennedy.

“The core of liberalism is a healthy skepticism toward government and business. So why do vaccines get a mulligan?”

Liberals are all about “human rights” – except for unborn children, people who like guns, and “anti-vaxxers”

“Human rights” is another popular buzz-phrase used by liberals to describe their claimed position of supporting the right of human beings to do whatever it is they please with their own bodies, so long as doing so doesn’t harm other people. But again, whenever the discussion of vaccines comes up, this principle immediately becomes null and void.

It’s the same thing liberals do with things like firearms and cigarettes, both of which many leftists believe should be banned by the government in order to “protect the children.” Liberals don’t care about children while they’re still living in their mothers’ wombs, but once they’re born they should apparently be allowed to “choose” their own gender. But they also can’t choose not to be vaccinated, apparently.

Trying to navigate through this treacherous maze of double standards exposes modern-day liberal thinking as borderline insanity. The way that many liberals cherry-pick which “human rights” they support suggests that these individuals are far more authoritarian than they’d ever care to admit, so long as their own pet agendas are being advanced in the process.

For more news on the dangers of vaccines and the media’s lack of reporting on this important issue, be sure to visit

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