The same CDC that uses fake science to push dangerous vaccines is also using fake science to try to take away GUN RIGHTS from all Americans… is this really “medicine?”

What do the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and gun control have in common? Nothing, except for the fact that the CDC has continually taken it upon itself to conduct “studies” that push for more gun control.

The federal agency, which is supposed to be dealing with things like vaccines that actually have some commonality with disease control and prevention, has instead been spending taxpayer dollars trying to link gun ownership to increased injury and death throughout society.

Despite the fact that the 1996 “Dickey Amendment” prohibits the CDC from spending any of its funds “to advocate or promote gun control,” the agency has been steadily churning out study after study looking at things like guns and suicide, noise and lead exposure at gun ranges, and firearms homicides and suicides in cities and metropolitan areas.

“There was also that instance in 2013 when President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order directing $10 million in ‘gun violence’ research,” further reports Ammoland about the CDC’s little-known anti-gun agenda.

Thus far, almost none of the CDC’s gun-related studies have produced the results that anti-gun leftists desire, which is why they’ve been pushing the CDC to actually fake “gun violence” studies that suggest guns are dangerous and need to be banned.

Even though he claims to support the Second Amendment, even President Donald Trump signed a spending bill last year that contains an amendment clarifying that, despite the Dickey Amendment, the CDC “has the authority to conduct research on the causes of gun violence,” suggesting that he, too, supports the CDC using taxpayer dollars to go after guns.

To learn more about how gun control actually leads to more crime, visit

The Second Amendment is non-negotiable, no matter how many studies the CDC churns out to suggest otherwise

Thankfully, we all still have our guns, at least for the most part. And in more right-leaning states, gun rights have actually been expanded in recent years to better reflect the true intent of the Second Amendment. But that doesn’t mean the Democrats are going to let up in their pursuits anytime soon.

Even so, the vast majority of the American public still supports the Second Amendment, and reels at the thought of leftist politicians ever attaining the ability to disarm the public while allowing its own government thugs to continue carrying.

Contrary to what your average leftist probably claims these days, the Second Amendment does not apply only to the military. Though our founders probably couldn’t have imagined the advanced firearms technologies of today, they designed the Second Amendment to include all firearms, including the high-powered “assault” weaponry used by the state.

If the government can have it, ordinary people should also be able to have it. This is the original spirit of the Second Amendment, which exists to keep freedom alive for as long as possible by keeping The People armed, and thus protected, against the type of overbearing government tyranny that would be unstoppable were the general populace unarmed.

“Those who love the idea of having doctors study guns to push criminal violence as a healthy policy issue are selling snake oil,” contends Ammoland. “The American public knows this.”

“Eight out of ten Americans surveyed said ‘gun violence’ is a criminal issue, not a public health issue. It’s akin to telling someone who is fit they must lose weight because of American’s obesity issue. Taking away from one doesn’t cure the other. Advocating gun bans through health studies isn’t the cure for America’s crime problem.”

To keep up with the latest gun-related news, be sure to check out

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