To get NDAA passed, Congress agrees – maybe – to strip U.S. military of power to mandate covid jabs

The Democrats have caved.

According to a Fox News report, congressional Democrats are planning to include new language in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) repealing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandate for all troops in the United States military.

Even though most of them have already been forcibly jabbed – and those who refused were forced to leave – House Republicans made it their mission to strip the military-industrial complex of the mandate in exchange for funding another year of warmongering.

The promised change to the NDAA is so weak that service members who were discharged or who lost all their benefits will not be reinstated or receive any restitution for the discrimination they faced.

There will supposedly be an effort to “look into” compensation for such individuals, though it is unclear what this means since it is vague and non-binding.

Republicans hope the move will make them look really good going into 2023 when they will recapture the House. They also hope it will make Joe Biden look bad since he is the one whose regime forced the mandate in the first place.

White House confirms Biden “would consider” rescinding the mandate

According to White House spokesperson Olivia Dalton, the Biden regime has not necessarily agreed to repeal the mandate. She claims the “president” told House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy earlier this month that he “would consider it.”

“The Secretary of Defense has recommended retaining the mandate, and the president supports his position,” Dalton said. “Discussions about the NDAA are ongoing.”

The military-industrial complex is desperate to get the NDAA funded. Nearly a trillion dollars – $817 billion, to be precise – hangs in the balance as the right wing fights the left wing over the military’s covid injection mandate.

There is probably a zero percent chance that the NDAA does not pass. After all, the number-one priority of America’s globalist-controlled government, which includes both political parties, is war.

Lawmakers who sit on the Armed Services Committees in both chambers of Congress are reportedly looking into the language contained in the NDAA that allows the Department of Defense (DoD) to assess the status of service members who were impacted by the jab mandate.

According to Fox, a provision in the bill would require the Pentagon to evaluate ways to compensate service members who were in some way punished for refusing to get injected for the Chinese Flu.

There still seems to be confusion, though, as to what will become of these efforts. Fox presents the changes as a done deal while the White House is still saying that it supports the mandate and will not necessarily rescind it in exchange for the NDAA’s passage.

“[Defense] Secretary Austin’s been very clear that he opposes the repeal of that vaccine mandate, and the president actually concurs with the secretary that we need to continue to believe that all Americans, including those in the armed forces, should be vaccinated and boosted for Covid-19,” announced White House National Security Council communications head John Kirby.

In the comments, someone wrote that he believes the leftists already won because they successfully purged from the military all the “people they needed gone.”

“Language like ‘looking into’ means that the bill doesn’t include any mention of the people who were discharged because of the mandate,” this person added. “They were always going to back off on the mandate anyway.”

“They only needed it long enough to get people to leave. It’s not the people who are leaving the military that will cause the greatest problem; it’s the people that are going to be joining.”

The latest news about Chinese Virus injections can be found at

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