WOKE SCIENCE: 29% of British scientists now think sex is not binary, poll finds

A recent poll reveals that some British scientists are now confused about the definition of biological sex and gender – thanks to the global push for transgenderism.

According to the Canadian Institutes of Health and Research (CIHR), sex is defined by biological characteristics like genes, hormones and a person’s reproductive organs. Gender, on the other hand, is defined by the CIHR as a spectrum that can change over time – saying that its definition is dependent on people and groups, and the differences in how they experience and express gender. (Related: Alabama lawmakers advance bill strictly defining gender based on biological sex.)

This muddled and politically influenced definition of gender is prevalent in the United Kingdom, as a survey conducted by The Telegraph in collaboration with market research firm Censuswide found that, among 200 scientists from different British universities that were polled, only 58 percent of them believe sex is binary, with exceptions for rare cases such as intersex individuals. Meanwhile, 29 percent of respondents agree that “sex is not binary” and another 13 percent chose not to answer.

Moreover, the survey reveals that 64 percent of respondents believe that gender is fluid, while only 22 percent believe it to be binary. Fourteen percent chose not to answer.

Based on the results, Helen Joyce, the advocacy director at Sex Matters, a human rights organization campaigning for more clarity on the definition of sex in both the law and in daily life, raised concerns regarding the intelligence of the British scientific community.

“This survey has two remarkable findings. The first is that 29 percent of academics are apparently unaware of the obvious fact that sex is binary. The second is that nearly two-thirds of academics say that ‘gender is fluid,'” commented Joyce. “That is a strikingly confident statement about a nebulous concept.”

Survey findings spark discussions and disappointment among academic experts

The study has brought to light some intriguing findings that have sparked discussions and disappointment among academic experts.

In his recent article published in the journal BioEssays, behavioral neurobiology expert Wolfgang Goymann of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence said that some scientists are still arguing that sex is a graded spectrum rather than a binary trait. He proceeded to criticize some scientific journals for adopting a relativist view that opposes fundamental biological facts.

“While we fully endorse efforts to create a more inclusive environment for gender-diverse people, this does not require denying biological sex,” said Goymann.

“On the contrary, the rejection of biological sex seems to be based on a lack of knowledge about evolution and it champions species chauvinism in as much as it imposes human identity notions on millions of other species,” he explained.

Similarly, Joyce pointed out the broader impact on academic research and public policy. She noted the disconnect between academic perceptions and the understanding of the general public.

“Most ordinary people think ‘gender’ is just a polite alternative to ‘sex,’ so are these academics talking about personal style – masculinity or femininity – or assertions about ‘identity’ – that is, states of mind?” said Joyce.

Furthermore, she lamented the fact that even scientists, who are supposed to give clarity on the matter, could not even reach a consensus when talking about biological sex. “This muddle feeds through into academic research and public policy,” she said. “It’s concerning that people supposedly among our best and brightest are seemingly blind to this confusion.”

Head over to Gender.news for more stories about the pushback against transgenderism.

Watch this video that talks about gender in America.

This video is from the TruthParadigm channel on Brighteon.com.

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