YouTube BANS Ruth Institute for warning public about abortion-breast cancer link

The Google-owned YouTube video platform has temporarily suspended the Ruth Institute account for sharing the truth about how getting an abortion increases a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.

The pro-life organization once again faces backlash from YouTube for posting a clip of an interview in which Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse spoke with biologist Dr. Joel Brind about the matter, which YouTube decided violates its “medical misinformation policy.”

“YouTube doesn’t want the public to know about the abortion-breast cancer link, so it shuts down any discussion of the matter under the guise of protecting the public from ‘misinformation,'” Dr. Morse said. “How convenient.”

The Ruth Institute, which operates internationally on behalf of families and traditional family values, said it did not receive a strike against its channel because YouTube indicated that “we know you may not have realized this was a violation of our policies.”

In the video, Brind, a retired biology and endocrinology professor and medical researcher, unpacked the nearly 30 years’ worth of research he has compiled connecting abortion to breast cancer. He indicated that for nearly 70 years, there has been some link well-known to most scientists, one being that a woman’s sex hormones change during pregnancy.

The clip was only about three minutes long and is still available for viewing at the Ruth Institute website.

“YouTube does not allow content about abortion that contradicts expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO) and poses a serious risk of bodily harm or death,” the platform wrote in a message accompanying a notice about the video’s removal.

(Related: Did you know that babies who drink breast milk from “fully vaccinated” mothers are dying in droves?)

Ruth Institute warns LGBT groomers are calling state-level restrictions on trans mutilation a “health crisis”

Another issue the Ruth Institute has been dealing with is the transgender craze, which LGBTs insist is just people and children “being themselves.” Some states are banning transgender mutilation procedures in response, which has prompted outcry from proponents of such procedures.

To pro-trans extremists, it is a “health crisis” for states to ban such things, even though doing so protects children from being groomed into transforming their bodies into an abomination that they will likely later regret.

“Some state legislatures and health boards have enacted restrictions on procedures that are arguably the mutilation of minor children,” Dr. Morse said.

“Dr. Ehrenfeld calls these restrictions interference with ‘evidenced based care,'” she added, referring to Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld, the new president of the American Medical Association (AMA) who described these new restrictions on transgender mutilation as a “health care system in crisis.”

“So inquiring minds want to know, where’s the evidence?”

The truth, of course, is that there is no evidence that transgender mutilation is good for the people who opt for it. In fact, all available evidence seems to point to the opposite being true.

Earlier this year, the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration examined all evidence it could find about the current treatments available for gender dysphoria. It determined that all of them range in the benefits they offer from “weak” to “very weak.”

“Florida declined to spend its Medicaid dollars on so-called trans treatments, because the Agency found the evidence to be so weak,” Dr. Morse noted about the research. “Is this the ‘health care crisis’ Dr. Ehrenfeld is referring to?”

Keep in mind that Ehrenfeld is the AMA’s first “openly gay” president, which has caused Dr. Morse to ask: “Whose interests does he put first? Patients or the movement with which he is affiliated?”

Want to learn more about the deep state’s love affair with abortion? Visit

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