Peer-reviewed study says mRNA covid “vaccines” would more accurately be labeled GENE THERAPY products

New research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences explains that a more correct way of referring to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” is to instead call them “gene therapy products” – because they have absolutely nothing to do with vaccination or inoculation.

Since the start of the fake “pandemic,” government authorities both in the Trump and Biden regimes have erroneously referred to these things as “vaccines” when the fact of the matter is that they are DNA-modifying poisons that never should have been authorized or approved the way they were.

By both mode and action, the mRNA injections are gene therapy products that, had they been properly labeled as such, would have been required to undergo much more stringent regulatory standards. Because of the “emergency,” however, they were fast-tracked onto the public through Operation Warp Speed.

“Because current regulatory guidelines either do not apply, do not mention RNA therapeutics, or do not have a widely accepted definition for these products, regulatory agencies adopted a modified and accelerated approval process for COVID-19 vaccines in the form of a ‘rolling review,'” reported The Epoch Times.

“A rolling review is a regulatory tool typically used during a public health emergency to speed up the assessment of data for medicines or vaccines. It allows data to be reviewed as it becomes available – without the complete data package or specific controls.”

(Related: Last fall, drug giant Moderna released a new mRNA injection designed to “repair heart muscle” damaged by its mRNA covid gene therapy jabs.)

Big Pharma retooling many “classic” vaccines into new mRNA format

Thanks to the rolling review regulatory process, covid jabs that were barely studied, if at all, ended up being spread far and wide across the country and world. They entered the arms of billions of people, and are now taking their toll in the form of serious health problems and death.

What is worse is the fact that mRNA technology, which has never before been used in humans until covid, is fast becoming the new standard for all vaccines as drug manufacturers retool the “classics” into an mRNA format.

Seasonal flu shots, for instance, are slated for transition into mRNA, as are many of the vaccines on the official childhood schedule set forth by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to the CDC, a “vaccine” is any preparation used to stimulate the body’s immune system against a disease. This is the new definition, by the way, that was revised after Operation Warp Speed when it was realized that covid injections did not meet the old definition of a vaccine.

“A vaccine must contain an antigen to trigger the body’s natural immune response. Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines do not contain antigens,” the Times further reported.

“The active substance used to elicit an immune response in these vaccines is the mRNA – a form of nucleic acid and the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that provides instructions to the body for producing antigens – spike proteins.”

In other words, mRNA itself does not fit the bill as far as constituting a substance resulting in active immunization. Instead, mRNA must first be translated into protein by the cells of the person who received it, followed by that person’s own immune system then producing its own antigens to trigger an immune response.

There is much argument as to whether or not mRNA does any of these things with regard to covid, especially since SARS-CoV-2 has still not even been isolated or proven to exist.

The latest news about the death and destruction being wrought because of widespread covid jab uptake can be found at

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