FDA approves remdesivir for covid treatment of kidney patients, even though drug DESTROYS kidney function

Despite having repeatedly been proven to destroy human kidneys, remdesivir, a pharmaceutical drug connected to Tony Fauci that was unleashed during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), has just received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the covid treatment of kidney patients.

Remdesivir is so dangerous and has killed so many people that there are large support groups online for surviving family members and friends, and yet the FDA has seen fit to approve the drug for a class of patients most at risk of suffering serious complications or death as a result of taking it.

“I’ve been joining online support groups for people who lost loved ones to the Remdesivir Protocol – a nightmarish sequence in which a patient is isolated in the hospital, bullied into taking Remdesivir, ventilated, and then sedated to death,” writes Stella Paul for American Thinker. “Thousands of Americans were killed this way, possibly hundreds of thousands.”

“These support groups are a deeply somber business. Grieving faces fill the screen of people who lost a parent, spouse, sibling, or child. Some speak with icy anger; some choke back sobs as they tell of the deadly abuse inflicted on their loved ones, shattering their families forever.”

(Related: Last fall, a Southern California family sued Kaiser Permanente for allegedly killing husband, father with remdesivir.)

Families of remdesivir victims believe FDA approved drug to “clean house of renal patients and people on dialysis”

In these groups, Paul has been asking members how they feel about the FDA’s sudden decision to approve remdesivir for kidney patients with covid. Many of them responded that the FDA’s decision is a “death sentence,” and that the agency does not care if people have kidney issues or not.

“My husband went into the hospital in kidney distress,” one person said in a group. “They gave him remdesivir, and three days later, he was in kidney failure.”

Another wrote about her 36-year-old daughter who was planning to get married but never made it because the hospital where she was admitted insisted that she undergo a course of remdesivir, which ultimately killed her.

“Then they put her on a vent and murdered her,” this person added. “I think the FDA is using remdesivir to fulfill their own agenda.”

And what might that agenda be? Mass genocide, perhaps. The FDA is, after all, run by the very same people who run the rest of Washington, D.C. – a bunch of mass-murdering swamp creatures.

“They’re going to use this decision as a way to clean house of renal patients and people in dialysis,” wrote another group member whose husband was placed on the remdesivir protocol.

“It’s saving a ton of money for Medicare over the next 20 years.”

Another spoke about her 37-year-old son who at one point went into the hospital with two blood clots, though his kidneys upon admission were functioning just fine. After receiving a course of remdesivir, within 12 hours his kidneys stopped working and his organs began to fail.

“We never saw him open his eyes again,” his mother recalls.

Yet another woman wrote that her husband had to be taken to the emergency room and upon arrival, responding medical workers said he had to go on remdesivir. His wife said no way, but they insisted.

“I wanted him on other treatments, but they refused all of it,” she explained. “They isolated him and told him he had to have remdesivir or he’d die, and he agreed. I got to watch his last rites over a video conference. I know he was murdered by remdesivir.”

The latest news about the corrupt FDA can be found at FDA.news.

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