Study finds correlation between neonatal vaccines and INFANT MORTALITY RATES in developed countries

In a peer-reviewed study published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science on July 20, researchers have found a correlation between neonatal vaccine doses and infant mortality rates (IMRs) in developed countries.

The study is led by Neil Miller, director of the Institute of Medical and Scientific Inquiry in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and co-authored by independent computer scientist Gary S. Goldman. It examined the effects of vaccines typically administered soon after birth, such as hepatitis B and tuberculosis vaccines.

According to data collected from 2019 to 2021, there is a positive correlation between mortality rates and the number of vaccinations received by neonates – children up to 28 days old – infants up to one-year-old and children under five. Meaning to say, higher vaccine doses were linked with higher mortality rates. This data contradicts the expectation of negative correlations and lower deaths with more vaccines.

The researchers gathered mortality data and vaccine schedules from the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, the World Health Organization and other national governments. (Related: The more vaccines a baby gets, the higher the likelihood of sudden death: STUDY.)

Notably, the study found that countries requiring more neonatal vaccine doses had higher infant and early childhood mortality rates. However, nations not requiring any neonatal vaccine doses had a significant difference of 1.28 deaths per 1,000 live births in mean infant mortality rates compared to those requiring vaccinations against both hepatitis B and tuberculosis.

“Health authorities emphasize that vaccines save lives,” lead author Neil Miller told The Defender. “Yet our data suggests that when developed nations require two versus zero neonatal vaccine doses, or many versus fewer vaccines during infancy, there may be unintended consequences that increase all-cause mortality.”

Additionally, for every reduction of six vaccine doses administered during infancy, the infant mortality rate improved by approximately one death per 1,000 live births.

The study suggests that the rapid introduction of hepatitis B and tuberculosis vaccines soon after birth, when the immune systems of the newborns are still immature and their weight is still low, may increase the possibility of adverse reactions.

Countries with higher vaccination rates have higher mortality rates as well

In relation to the new study, Miller and Goldman conducted an earlier study in 2011 discussing the complex interplay between vaccination policies, public health conditions and socioeconomic well-being.

According to the study, the U.S. boasts the most extensive childhood immunization schedule worldwide, with 26 vaccine doses recommended for infants under one year of age. The 2011 study revealed that 33 other countries have lower IMRs despite administering fewer vaccine doses.

The researchers uncovered a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.70 (p < 0.0001) between IMRs and the number of vaccine doses regularly administered to infants through a meticulous analysis of the immunization schedules and IMRs of 34 nations. (Related: As vaccination rates go up, so does infant mortality – could injecting newborns with toxic chemicals be behind SIDS?)

In statistical terms, an r-value exceeding zero indicates a positive correlation, while an r-value between 0.6 and 0.79 signifies a “strong” positive correlation. This implies that vaccines demonstrate a positive relationship with IMRs.

Overall, both studies highlighted the fact that countries with extensive childhood vaccination programs tend to experience higher IMRs.

Learn more about how childhood vaccination requirements are part of a covert genocide agenda at

Watch the video below about data showing that COVID vaccines are actually killing children.

This video is from the High Hopes channel on

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