Sen. Rand Paul accuses Anthony Fauci of committing PERJURY, which is a minor offense compared to his other crimes

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has accused Anthony Fauci of committing perjury when the latter testified that the government never funded the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) gain-of-function research.

“I don’t think there’s ever been a clearer case of perjury in the history of government testimony, and I don’t say that lightly,” Paul said.

“We now have the Government Accountability Office, the GAO, admitting that the funding came from the NIH [National Institutes of Health]. We have the acting director [Lawrence Tabak] of the NIH admitting it in writing that it came from the NIH.”

NIH is the parent agency of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), where Fauci served as the director for nearly four decades before his retirement last December.

“The smoking gun is Fauci in private saying the opposite of what he was saying in public when he was publicly telling me that absolutely, we do not fund gain-of-function research in China,” Paul said.

“He says privately we are suspicious that the virus has been manipulated and we are suspicious because we know they are doing gain-of-function research. He then goes on to describe the research, and it’s exactly the research that the NIH funded.”

But Fauci is not going to lose any sleep over perjury accusations – and Paul knows it.

Paul: Fauci is responsible for millions of deaths

That man is a mass murderer. Paul himself accused Fauci of being directly responsible for funding dangerous research that killed millions of people. (Related: Rand Paul: ‘Fauci has the blood of 7 million people on his hands.’)

“Likely there is no public health figure who has made a greater error in judgement than Dr. Fauci,” Paul said during a Fox News appearance last year. “The error of judgement was to fund gain of function research in a totalitarian country.”

Paul, of course, was referring to China.

Fauci funded “research that allowed them to create super viruses, that in all likelihood leaked into the public and caused seven million people to die,” Paul added. “This is right up there with decisions, some of them malevolent or military to kill millions of people.”

Paul also mentioned during the interview that Fauci has been covering his tracks throughout the pandemic. “For the last two years he’s been covering his tracks, but we’ve caught him red handed and he won’t get away,” Paul said. “Historically, [Fauci] will be remembered for one of the worst judgments in the history of modern medicine.”

But in a separate interview with Fox News just last week, Paul didn’t sound confident that Fauci will ever suffer the consequences of his actions.

“We have an incredibly partisan Attorney General [Merrick] Garland, who is refusing to act, so I’ve taken the extraordinary step of actually going to the local U.S. attorney in D.C. to see if he will act,” he said.

“The problem is there are partisans littered throughout the legal system, and people are seeing this. You don’t get prosecuted if you’re a Democrat under this administration, no matter what you do.”

Visit for more news about the former NIAID director.

Watch this video about the trial of Anthony Fauci.

This video is from the High Hopes channel on

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