Biden administration launches $1.2 billion initiative to “CAPTURE” CARBON DIOXIDE from the sky, depriving food crops of the molecule needed for photosynthesis

The administration of President Joe Biden has announced a $1.2 billion taxpayer-funded initiative to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere in an attempt to achieve a so-called “net-zero global economy” by 2050.

In a statement, Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Jennifer Granholm said the $1.2 billion fund will be used to develop two commercial-scale “direct air capture” facilities in Texas and Louisiana.

The projects are the first of this scale in the U.S. and represent the initial selections from the president’s bipartisan infrastructure law-funded Regional Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hubs program, which is focused on jumpstarting a nationwide network of large-scale carbon removal sites to deal with legacy CO2 dioxide pollution and complement rapid emissions reductions.

The government claims these emissions are already in the atmosphere and are to blame for climate change and extreme weather. The emissions are also blamed for jeopardizing public health and ecosystems worldwide. The Hubs are supposed to “ensure meaningful community and labor engagement and contribute to the president’s Justice Initiative.”

CO2 removal project will get rid of the building block of all life on Earth

These projects are expected to eliminate over two million metric tons of CO2 emissions from the atmosphere annually and create 4,800 jobs in Texas and Louisiana.

This will be the world’s largest investment in engineered carbon removal in history, with each Hub eventually removing more than 250 times more CO2 than the largest DAC facility currently in operation.

This is despite experts highlighting the crucial role of CO2 in supporting life on Earth. Without CO2, photosynthesis will not be possible.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water and CO2 to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

Still, both the government and mainstream media insist on the narrative that CO2 and greenhouse gases are bad for the environment. Granholm also noted that removing the CO2 already in the atmosphere is crucial to achieving a net-zero global economy.

According to the Biden administration’s plan, development of the Hubs will jumpstart a new industry critical to addressing the climate crisis on a global scale and fast-track attempts to meet the government’s goal of a net-zero economy by 2050.

What is the DAC program?

DAC is a process that separates CO2 from the air to allegedly help reduce legacy CO2 in the atmosphere. The separated CO2 will be stored deep underground permanently or converted into useful carbon-containing products like concrete to prevent its release back into the atmosphere.

The government insists that the widespread deployment of DAC and other innovative technologies that capture emissions are necessary to “fighting” the climate crisis and reinforcing America’s global competitiveness in the zero-carbon economy of the future.

According to DOE estimates, achieving Biden’s ambitious plan for net-zero emissions will require at least 400 million to 1.8 billion metric tons of CO2 to be removed from the atmosphere and captured from emissions sources annually by 2050.

It’s worth noting that the Biden administration’s alleged goal of a “zero-net global economy” by 2050 follows the Great Reset blueprint first put forward by the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF). (Related: Battle against carbon dioxide a ploy to TAKE AWAY FREEDOMS under the guise of “fighting climate change.”)

Aside from the “carbon capture” projects, the WEF’s Great Reset plan also includes reducing coal and petrol production, eliminating private vehicle ownership, using wind and solar energy, and replacing meat consumption with insects.

Find more stories about green tyranny and the climate hoax at

Watch the video below to learn how carbon dioxide is actually good for the planet.

This video is from the Airtv International channel on

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Carbon dioxide isn’t a pollutant; it’s the building block of ALL LIFE on Earth.

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