CDC: If you’ve already been damaged by COVID “vaccines,” just keep getting jabbed with more “boosters”

Official documents obtained by the independent media show that the United States government repeatedly pushed people who had already gotten “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and became injured to keep getting more “booster” shots.

Even when it could not be ruled out that the initial jabs caused the adverse events, jab-injured folks continued to be told by a vast network of “experts” both in the U.S. and abroad that they should keep getting more jabs, and not to fear suffering an even worse outcome.

The network, known as the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project, is run by a doctor who we know was bribed by Big Pharma to push COVID jabs. Among the pharmaceutical companies this person received funding from are the top two COVID “vaccine” manufacturers.

Relying on official guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CISA doctors time and time again have told jab-injured victims to keep taking more jabs in opposition to their better judgment to simply hold off and heal for a while.

(Related: According to the CDC, BA.2.86, one of the latest COVID “variants,” only seems to infect the fully jabbed – are the jabs the disease?)

Josef Mengele’s concentration camp medical experiments pale in comparison to the global COVID jab genocide

In one instance, a 63-year-old woman who developed chronic kidney disease following her second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA injection was told by CISA subject matter experts (SMEs) to go ahead and keep getting more jabs based on a “causality algorithm” developed by Dr. Kathryn Edwards, CISA’s principal investigator.

Based on this algorithm, the 63-year-old woman’s case was given an “indeterminate” designation, meaning Pfizer’s COVID jab series could not be fully ruled out as the cause, nor could it be definitively pinned as the cause.

“Weighing the potential risks of COVID-19 vaccination and the benefits of preventing COVID-19, the SMEs provided their opinion that the patient should receive future COVID-19 vaccinations,” reads a Feb. 24, 2023, letter to the patient’s doctor.

At the time, it was being trumpeted that the jabs have very little effectiveness against symptomatic infection. Even so, CISA experts advised the patient to get more jabs while telling her doctor to check for hematuria, or blood in her urine.

“Although the CDC’s subject matter experts claim to have no idea if inflammation of the kidneys in a 63-year-old woman was caused by the mRNA COVID-19 biological, they tell the attending physician to go ahead and give the woman another COVID shot,” explained Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), about the case.

“That amounts to a challenge / re-challenge experiment on a sick woman without informed consent.”

Fisher further stated that it is “immoral” for government officials who admitted they did not know if the woman was harmed by the COVID jabs she had already received to push her to take even more COVID jabs regardless.

“We expect and deserve government health officials to adhere to a higher professional and ethical standard of care,” she added.

In addition to featuring “experts” from the CDC, CISA also boasts names from Vanderbilt University, Boston Medical Center, and Johns Hopkins University.

“CISA provides consultations for U.S. healthcare providers with complex vaccine safety questions about their patients and conducts vaccine safety clinical research,” the CDC explains on its website.

Records show that from Dec. 1, 2020, when COVID jabs were first authorized by the Trump administration under Operation Warp Speed through June 1, 2023, CISA provided 48 recommendations like this, urging doctors dealing with COVID jabs to keep jabbing their already-damaged patients.

The latest news about the never-ending government push to get “vaccinated” for COVID can be found at

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