Study: CO2 is increasing the rate of GLOBAL GREENING, even in places affected by drought

A study conducted by a team of Australian and Chinese researchers has found that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are “driving increased plant growth that’s greening the Earth,” even in locations affected by drought.

The peer-reviewed study published in the journal Global Ecology and Conservation proves that the phenomenon called “global greening” is an undeniable fact. Researchers said the rate of global greening has increased slightly, and drought has only slowed but not stopped the process.

According to the research team, global greening could be attributed to carbon dioxide fertilization along with land management, such as irrigation. The study revealed that greening acceleration occurred in 55.15 percent of the globe, while browning, which is the opposite of greening, occurred in only 7.28 percent.

The researchers explained that when combined with meteorological variables, data showed that “CO2 change dominated the LAI [greening] trend.”

However, the fact that carbon dioxide emissions are linked to plant growth is not a new finding.

Carbon dioxide accelerates global greening

In 2016, a study that used NASA satellite data and published in the journal Nature Climate Change revealed that at least 25 percent to 50 percent of the Earth’s vegetated lands showed significant greening over the past 35 years.

According to Gregory Wrightstone, the executive director of the CO2 Coalition, global greening is one of the benefits of global warming that is often ignored and dismissed because it doesn’t fit the narrative that climate change is causing a crisis.

Wrightstone explained that many people profit off of “the false notion of a pending climate crisis.”

The CO2 Coalition, whose members include many respected scientists such as Dr. John Clauser, winner of the Nobel Prize in 2022, believes that climate change is not a crisis and can produce net positive benefits.

But as expected, the group’s views of climate change have not been welcomed in heavily censored mainstream circles.

In March 2022, the group paid for a booth at the National Science Teaching Association’s annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia. While the booth had been approved, the group was ejected after attendees complained about their literature. (Related: Battle against carbon dioxide a ploy to TAKE AWAY FREEDOMS under the guise of “fighting climate change.”)

The accepted narrative today is similar to what a 2018 article proposes: that global greening, in the long run, is “terrible.”

The writer interviewed scientists who claimed that plants that take in more carbon dioxide may also release more of the gas at night in a process known as respiration. They also claimed that plants stimulated with carbon dioxide, which some growers deliberately pump into their greenhouses to boost plant growth, may also be less nutritious.

The article conjectured that this may cause health problems due to nutrient deficiencies. However, since 1970, undernourishment in developing countries has steadily declined.

Learn the truth about carbon dioxide’s role in the environment at

Watch the video below as Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, delivers some cold home truths about climate change.

This video is from the Be Children of Light channel on

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