Government data shows COVID-19 vaccines HARM the immune system – Facebook admits it was wrong to label it “misinformation”

In August 2022, an investigation into five months’ worth of official U.K. government data revealed that a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “booster” dose provides only a temporary boost before harming the immune system more rapidly than two doses of the coronavirus vaccine.

This suggests that the COVID-19 vaccinated population is developing some new form of vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

When the investigation was shared by a reader on Facebook the same day it was published, the post was quickly removed and labeled as “misinformation.”

The reader who shared the article disputed Facebook’s censorship, and the social media platform responded on Oct. 27 to admit that it was wrong to label it as “misinformation.” Facebook confirmed that the investigation was actually factual. The Facebook post is now back, complete with details about the report.

A closer look at vaccines and the lies Big Pharma continues to tell the public

The U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) used to publish a weekly Vaccine Surveillance Report, which contains four weeks’ worth of data on coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status.

In the investigation that Facebook tried to censor, experts studied five of the published Vaccine Surveillance Reports containing data from August 16, 2021 to January 2, 2022, to get a clear picture of the effect the vaccines are having on the immune systems of the vaccinated population.

Using the data published by the UKHSA, the investigators were also able to calculate the real-world effectiveness of the vaccines. The results paint a grim and alarming picture.

The week 37 Vaccine Surveillance report included the number of coronavirus cases by vaccination status between week 33 and week 36 of 2021, or Aug. 16 to Sept. 12. The report showed the confirmed COVID-19 case rates per 100,000 people among the unvaccinated and two-dose vaccinated population. Using this information, the investigators calculated the real-world vaccine effectiveness during that period:

  • The real-world effectiveness of all available vaccines combined was as low as -47 percent in the 60 to 69 age group, and as high as +66 percent in the under-18 age group.
  • The only other age groups that the vaccine was shown to have a positive effect at this point were 18 to 29, 30 to 39 and 80 and older.

One month later, the data showed a shocking change.

The week 41 Vaccine Surveillance report included the number of COVID-19 cases by vaccination status between week 37 and week 40 of 2021, or Sept. 13 to Oct. 10. Findings of the investigation reveal the following:

  • The real-world effectiveness of all available COVID-19 vaccines combined was as low as -109 percent in the 40 to 49 age group, and as high as +89 percent in the under-18 age group.
  • The only other age group that the vaccine was shown to have a positive effect was 18 to 29.

It’s alarming that the real-world effectiveness of the vaccine significantly went down in all age groups, especially the 40 to 49 age group which declined from a real-world effectiveness of -36 percent to -109 percent.

The fact that the real-world effectiveness of the vaccines surpassed the -100 percent barrier suggests that the vaccines are failing and they were harming the immune system of the recipients. (Related: Pfizer docs: Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine can damage the immune system.)

The real-world effectiveness of the vaccines wanes significantly in a short time. And for the vaccinated population, instead of their immune system returning to the same state it was prior to vaccination, the immune system performance begins to rapidly decline until it is inferior to that of the unvaccinated.

The official U.K. government data proves that a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine can give a short-term boost to the immune system of the vaccinated, but the immune system performance then begins to decline fast. This data suggests that the vaccinated population now needs an endless cycle of booster shots to strengthen their immune systems.

According to the most recent figures made available by the U.K. government through the Office for National Statistics, the unvaccinated population has the lowest mortality rate per 100,000 compared to the vaccinated population among all age groups.

Visit for more information about the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots.

Watch this video to know more about VAIDS.

This video is from the channel The Prisoner on

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