STUDY: Cases of post-covid injection myocarditis continue to skyrocket

In what will hopefully do away with the mainstream myth that post-jab myocarditis is “rare” and “mild,” a new study has found that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are linked to a high rate of severe myocarditis, particularly in young men.

South Korean researchers, publishing their work in the European Heart Journal, put together an extensive study using data from the Korean Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), which created a reporting system through which it is legally required that vaccine adverse events are reported.

Unlike the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) here in the United States that is optional, the KDCA requires that every instance of a vaccine adverse event be reported, making South Korea’s data much more comprehensive and a much better benchmark for determining vaccine safety.

In the case of covid jabs, there are 1,533 known cases of suspected myocarditis among the 44,276,704 South Koreans who got injected, according to KDCA data. Of these 1,533 suspected myocarditis cases, the KDCA’s “Expert Adjudication Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination Pericarditis / Myocarditis” confirmed that 480 of them are, in fact, either pericarditis or myocarditis caused by the shots, making the population-wide risk around one in 100,000 people.

(Related: Another study published last year found that myocarditis rates are much higher in people who took the Moderna mRNA injection series.)

Young teenage boys have a one in 18,900 risk of developing post-injection myocarditis, pericarditis

Again, the risk is especially pronounced for young boys, particularly teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17. For this age group, the risk of developing myocarditis or pericarditis post-injection is around one in 18,900.

And keep in mind that this is a conservative estimated based on the South Korean government’s assessment of the situation. Other estimates of post-jab cardiovascular issues such as these are much, much higher.

“This reported rate is far lower than other estimates from Hong Kong’s active surveillance system (1 in 2,680 after dose two) and Kaiser Permanente (1 in 2,650 after dose two) in the same age group,” one report explains.

The reason why the myocarditis risk was found to be much higher in Hong Kong and in places where Kaiser Permanente operates has to do with the types of injections most widely taken in South Korea compared to other parts of the world.

In South Korea, less than 75 percent of the population, around 71 percent, took an mRNA injection from either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna. Only 56 percent took the Pfizer-BioNTech option while the remaining 15 percent took Moderna.

The South Korea study also did not tally myocarditis rates by vaccine dose for different age groups in both men and women. This is important to keep in mind as well because it is the second dose of a covid injection that is known to cause noticeably higher rates of myocarditis in young men.

“In other words, a more careful breakdown by dose and vaccine type would have revealed a far higher incidence of vaccine myocarditis,” reports explain.

“Predictably, Moderna dose two is associated with the highest rate of 1 in 86,000. Pfizer is the second most dangerous vaccine in this regard, with an incidence of 1 in 166,600 per vaccinated persons after the second dose. Comparatively, the AstraZeneca vaccine is associated with a 1 in 1,111,111 incidence of vaccine-related myocarditis.”

As you might expect, this study, like many others before it, found that mRNA covid injections are much more dangerous than viral vector covid injections.

“Amazingly, these toxic jabs are still being pushed as ‘immunizations” at VA hospitals,” one commenter wrote, VA referring to the government-run Veterans Administration here in the U.S.

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