Canada’s budget allots millions of dollars for “vaccine passports” until 2026, memo shows

Even though the World Health Organization (WHO) announced an end to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) several months ago, the Justin Trudeau regime of Canada has budgeted millions of dollars for so-called “vaccine passports” for Canadians until the year 2026.

A recently leaked memo from Health Canada dated March 23, nearly a year after vaccine passports were officially withdrawn from Canadian society, requested increased funding for Fauci Flu shot passports and tracing measures for the next three-plus years.

“The purpose of the funding is to ensure the continued provision of the Canadian COVID proof of vaccination credentials both as a health record and to facilitate mobility in the context of international travel as well as support the application of public health measures as needed going forward,” reads the memo titled “Supplementary Estimates.”

This same memo reveals a Public Health Agency of Canada budget figure of $17.6 million “over three years starting in 2022-2023 to sustain the Canadian COVID-19 proof of vaccination credentials.”

“This funding will allow the Agency to provide continued proof of vaccination policy and program support to provinces and territories,” the memo further states.

(Related: The Trudeau regime is trying to take over the internet with Bill C-11.)

Canada doesn’t believe WHO science, wants covid jab passports to remain in place indefinitely

Prior to the release of Canada’s COVID jab passport program, Trudeau and other authorities repeatedly stated that they were just “following the science.” However, the WHO ended the pandemic declaration on May 5, and Canada decided to continue the covid jab passport program anyway.

The Canadian Government Executive, a magazine for federal managers, published a piece arguing that COVID jab passports must remain in place indefinitely for … reasons, or something.

“After a rigorous analysis of the issue of immunity certificates this article concludes the necessity of immunity certificates in Canada as a key enabler for the safe reopening of the society and economy in a post-COVID world,” it states.

Canadians were also promised in 2021 by federal authorities that the COVID jab passport program would not be used for anything other than confirming one’s jab status.

“It is not an identity document,” Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada spokeswoman Isabelle Dubois said that time.

Now, suddenly, the nature of Canada’s COVID jab passport system has changed from these earlier promises. Not only is it persisting indefinitely, but the Canadian government is, in fact, using it for purposes other than what was originally claimed when it was first being pushed on the masses.

“The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the value of digital health solutions in facilitating access to health services,” said WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a June 5 meeting of the WHO and the European Union (EU), which are together collaborating on a new global digital vaccine passport system.

“While the emergency phase of the COVID-19 pandemic is now over, investment in digital infrastructure remains an important resource for health systems and for economies and societies at large.”

In February 2022, the WHO commissioned T-Systems, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile) to develop a global digital vaccine passport system for use in not just Canada but everywhere else on the planet.

In order to comply with this new world order of vaccine passports that the WHO and T-Mobile are trying to unleash, countries like Canada, the U.S. and many more will have to give up their sovereignty and merge into the globalist Borg of open-borders nation-states.

Dr. Joseph Mercola warned that if passed, the Pandemic Treaty and jab passport system will turn the WHO into the “de facto government body for the global Deep State.”

Canada has become an authoritarian nightmare under Trudeau. Learn more at

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