Dr. Larry Palevsky: Vaccine injuries more WIDESPREAD than people realize

According to pediatrician Dr. Larry Palevsky, vaccine injuries caused by all injections are far more widespread than people realize.

He made this remark during his February 2020 testimony before the Connecticut General Assembly’s Public Health Committee. Palevsky, who runs the Northport Wellness Center in New York state, debunked the claims that vaccines give people immunity and do not hurt individuals injected with them.

“We assume that you inject a vaccine, it’s not going to hurt you. We also assume it’s going to give you immunity. Neither of those is true. Vaccine injury, from all vaccines, is much more widespread than we are giving it credit for,” the pediatrician told Connecticut state lawmakers.

“Never once in my 37 years [of practice] have I sever seen a study that showed that vaccination makes the bacteria or the virus disappear from the [bodies] of those who were vaccinated. In over 21 years of actually watching the health of vaccinated children in the same community as the health of unvaccinated children, I don’t see nearly as many chronic inflammatory conditions in those who are unvaccinated as I do in those who are vaccinated.” (Related: Australian actress sues AstraZeneca for life-threatening vaccine injury, but continues to ADVOCATE for other covid-19 “vaccines.”)

Palevsky continued that despite the vaccine pushers’ claims, it is not only unvaccinated children who are capable of spreading germs. Even vaccinated children can still carry and spread bacteria and viruses that the vaccines supposedly address. Moreover, he shared that adults can also carry these same pathogens.

“There is a difference between what you inhale, what you ingest and what you inject,” he said. “What you inhale and what you ingest has the capacity for the immune system along the airway and … along the 26 feet of intestines in children, plus the liver, to eliminate that before it gets into the body. But when you deliver it through an injection, 100 percent of it gets in.”

Aluminum adjuvant responsible for vaccine damage

Palevsky also pointed out that the aluminum adjuvant included in most vaccines is responsible for vaccine damage. “The kind of aluminum that we put into vaccines is a different kind of aluminum that we see environmentally,” he said. “It is called a nanoparticle. We know that the biochemical properties of nanoparticles are that they are capable of entering the brain.”

The pediatrician pointed out that scientists in Europe have studied the aluminum nanoparticle. They found that it not only penetrates the brain, but persists there for years. Because of this, there has been a large outbreak of neuro-developmental disabilities such as autism and Alzheimer’s disease in adults.

Moreover, there are studies that look at the amount of aluminum in the brains of people with autism and those without. These papers found that the amount of aluminum in the brains of those with autism was exponentially higher than their normal counterparts.

Aside from this, Palevsky also pointed to the rise of autoimmune diseases. Scientists are discovering that pathogens and adjuvants in vaccines create something called molecular mimicry.

In molecular mimicry, the body detects the viruses and initially deems them foreign. However, it finds pieces of these pathogens that match pieces of healthy cells. Because of this, the body doesn’t differentiate between what it’s been told to reject – leading it to turn the immune system against itself.

Visit VaccineDamage.news for more similar stories.

Watch this video that features a compilation of vaccine injuries caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injection.

This video is from the Areton LTD channel on Brighteon.com.

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