WaPo admits to persistently LYING about Fauci’s beagle torture regime

For years, The Washington Post, an establishment propaganda rag, lied to its readers about the nature of Tony Fauci’s scientific experiments on beagles. Now, the Post is coming clean, albeit quietly, about what Fauci was really up to in his quest to infect the world with biological weapons.

In a June 7, 2024, piece, the Post revealed that claims about Fauci’s animal torture activities are, in fact, true.

“The Tunisian sand fly study … was published on July 27, 2021, in the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases,” the Post now admits.

“The study described how the beagles, between 6 and 8 months old, and obtained from the kennels of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis, were sedated and then exposed to hundreds of sand flies that had been deprived of food for 24 hours.”

Prior to this, the Post blasted the animal rights group White Coat Waste Project, which brought the beagle situation to the public’s attention, for “thrash[ing]” Fauci, who at the time – this earlier article was published in 2021 – was simply trying to save the world from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

“Much of the onslaught stemmed from a viral and false claim that the agency Fauci leads, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, had funded a medical experiment in which beagles were trapped in mesh cages filled with diseased sand flies, according to four National Institutes of Health officials familiar with the calls,” the Post said at the time.

“The outrage was supercharged by a bipartisan letter signed by 24 members of Congress that questioned the agency’s funding of medical research on dogs.”

Suddenly and out of the blue, though, the Post has changed its story and now admits that Fauci tortured innocent pups as part of his vile medical experiments.

(Related: Check out our earlier report from 2021 highlighting what Fauci and his cronies were doing to innocent beagle dogs in the name of “science.”)

Never trust WaPo

The issue came to a head following the most recent congressional hearing at which Fauci was presented with images of two sedated beagles by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

The Post reported that when those images first came to light, its editorial staff thought it would be really easy to “debunk” them as “another in a string of misleading attacks against Fauci, who became the public face of the government’s response to the pandemic.”

To be clear, the Post still apparently finds nothing wrong with these experiments, stating that they are “unrelated to covid” and are “part of a general effort among conservatives to discredit Fauci in any way possible.” At the same time, the images are real, as were the heinous experiments.

“Imagine that in this, our Sacred Democracy™ a corporate news outlet owned and bankrolled by arguably the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, with billions at his disposal to pour into investigative journalism, not only doesn’t do any legwork on a story it’s reporting on – a task which falls to a bootstrapped independent like WCW – but goes out of its way to smear and discount an important and true exposé, an effort that had the intended effect of protecting a corrupt government bureaucrat,” wrote Ben Bartee on his Armageddon Prose Substack.

“And the Washington Post would have us believe this was all a good-faith mix-up.”

Several of Bartee’s readers agreed, noting that the Post is simply “following in lockstep with marching orders.”

“Greene and her ‘grilling’ of Fauci means nothing and will not lead to anything resembling redemption,” this person added. “CONgress votes for and approves all sorts of skullduggery. It is simply theatrics.”

Fauci and all others like him belong in prison for their crimes against animals and humanity. Learn more at FauciTruth.com.

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