Did a COVID-19 pandemic ever REALLY EXIST? Dr. Michael Yeadon makes a very strong case against the “novel” virus

Is there really a “novel” virus out there? Now that we see clearly the origins of “Covid-19” route directly back to the Wuhan laboratory, why would those who funded gain-of-function create and release a unique and original virus that would be so unpredictable that it could wipe out everybody, including “them?” The people responsible for funding and releasing the China Flu not only control the media and the narrative about all of this, but they wanted control of the outcome, and this meant reducing, as much as humanly possible, uncertain outcomes. This deserves careful consideration, which is exactly what Dr. Michael Yeadon, previously a high-level researcher and Chief Scientific Officer (A&R Research Unit) for Pfizer, who has consulted with more than 20 biotechnology companies.

The population-reduction, genocidal freaks who created and released the not-so-novel virus, whatever it really is, had to be sure that it wasn’t too weak, or too powerful that it did not create the desired effect. And what was that effect? To instill enough fear in the majority of the world’s populace that they run to the doctors and hospitals for “treatment” of anything resembling an infection, and then of course, get the deadly clot shot, spike protein, gene mutation injections. This meant that anyone who checks into a hospital for any kind of viral or bacterial infection, could be treated with the deadliest protocol ever, which included Remdesivir, ventilators, and “vaccines.”

Plus, hundreds of millions of people THOUGHT they had the “novel” virus because the faulty PCR tests gave billions of false-positives. In other words, all roads lead to Rome, and “Rome” was basically every hospital that took part in the great killing machine called “Covid.” Remember, Bill Gates announced it, the depopulation plan and medical tool, at a TED convention about a decade ago that he was planning to WIPE OUT several BILLION humans using vaccines.

The Plandemic was created carefully to cause maximum human carnage without endangering those who funded, designed, and launched it

Have you thought about this: Maybe all the deaths from the scamdemic can be chalked up to deadly “clot shot” vaccines, choke-you-to-death ventilators, kidney-murdering Remdesivir, and the 3-year “disappearance” of influenza. How did the seasonal flu get wiped off the map of sicknesses for the past 3.5 years? We know it was NOT because people were wearing masks, because the science shows that masks cause bacterial infections, have holes too big to protect against transmission of viral particles, and cause lowered immune system function (just like the clot shots).

Mass media, the WHO, the CCP-led Biden Regime, and the CDC simply pushed out a mass-narrative that it was Covid-19, the “novel” virus, that was causing all the carnage world wide, and that billions of people could and probably would die from it. But it wasn’t the virus, as we know, because kids were immune to it, most adults seemed to only catch a head cold or flu-like version of it, and maybe that’s because it WAS just the flu, and the PCR tests said otherwise. Get it?

Just think carefully about what Dr. Michael Yeadon is saying here: “I’ve grown increasingly frustrated about the way debate is controlled around the topic of origins of the alleged novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, and I have come to disbelieve it’s ever been in circulation, causing massive scale illness and death. Concerningly, almost no one will entertain this possibility, despite the fact that molecular biology is the easiest discipline in which to cheat. That’s because you really cannot do it without computers, and sequencing requires complex algorithms and, importantly, assumptions. Tweaking algorithms and assumptions, you can hugely alter the conclusions.”

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