RFK Jr.: 36,000 “death scientists” still developing KILLER BIOWEAPONS across America

In an exclusive interview with independent news anchor and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warned the public that there are 36,000 full-time “death scientists” developing deadly pathogens as potential bioweapons across the United States.

RFK Jr. pointed fingers at Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He accused Fauci of being responsible for the development of bioweapons. (Related: RFK Jr. on Fauci’s role in developing bioweapons & how Bill Gates profits from COVID lies.)

“In 2014, 300 scientists wrote to President [Barack] Obama and said, ‘You’ve got to shut down Anthony Fauci because he is going to create a microbe that will cause a global pandemic,'” RFK Jr. stated during the interview. He added that as a result, Obama had signed a moratorium that led to the closure of 18 bioweapon experiments, with the majority taking place in North Carolina under the guidance of scientist Ralph Baric.

However, instead of obeying the moratorium, Fauci relocated most of his operations offshore. RFK Jr. said the majority of “operations ended up mostly in Wuhan Lab, which is a military lab […] and many of them went to Ukraine.”

RFK Jr. told Carlson: “We have bio-labs in Ukraine because we are developing bioweapons.” The Democratic presidential candidate further elaborated on the connection between bioweapon development and vaccine creation. “When you do develop bioweapons, it needs a vaccine so you develop them side by side because in 100 percent of the cases when you deploy a bioweapon, there’s blowback. Your side also gets sick,” he said.

U.S. also runs biolabs in Asia-Pacific and Africa

The U.S. military biolabs in Ukraine came to light in February 2022, when the Russian Defense Ministry disclosed their existence and accused the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) of operating these biolabs across the globe.

Subsequently, a Russian parliamentary commission published a comprehensive report in mid-April claiming that the military biological weapon of the Pentagon, disguised as anti-terrorist projects and activities, runs counter to the Biological Weapons Convention.

Russia requested the United Nations Security Council to establish a commission to investigate the reports of potential violations by both Washington and Kiev.

The U.S. government promptly denied the existence of these military bio-labs, but recent documents obtained by Russia from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic suggest otherwise. These documents allegedly reveal that these laboratories were actively engaged in the creation of biological weapon components and were conducting tests on the local population.

According to the report, the DoD is not only operating in Ukraine but also in regions as far-flung as Africa and the Asia-Pacific. In the Asia-Pacific, the Philippine House of Representatives Makabayan (Nationalist) bloc initiated a call for an investigation into the DoD’s biological weapons activities. The lawmakers focused on experiments carried out at the Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory in the province of Tarlac.

Indonesia also voiced its opposition to the presence of the Naval Medical Research Unit Two (NAMRU2), led by the U.S. Navy. Jakarta labeled the unit as “inexpedient” and “useless,” leading to the cessation of NAMRU2’s operations in the country.

In Africa, the health ministry of an unnamed Central African state linked one of the DoD-operated biolabs to the outbreak of an Ebola-based virus. The virus, reportedly created in Sudan, shared full genetic identity with a virus that circulated in Africa in 2012, raising suspicions about the origin and intentions of the facility.

Eastern Europe, specifically Georgia, has also become a focal point. The Lugar Center in the capital Tbilisi, funded by Washington and overseen by the U.S. Army Medical Research Unit in Georgia, has come under scrutiny.

This Level III laboratory is shrouded in secrecy, with only American citizens possessing classified information and diplomatic immunity under the U.S.-Georgia Agreement on Defense Cooperation permitted to access it. The facility is reportedly involved in the collection and study of various biological agents, including anthrax, tularemia and highly contagious hemorrhagic fevers.

Lt. Gen Igor Kirillov of the Russian Armed Forces (AFR) has accused the U.S. of developing biological weapons near Russia’s borders. He cited thousands of documents outlining plans and projects as evidence to support his claim. The general alleged that research on bioweapons was conducted in laboratories in the Donetsk and Luhansk republics and the Kherson region, which are now under Russian control.

“We have no doubt that the U.S. – under the guise of ensuring global biosafety – conducted dual-use research, including the creation of biological weapons components in the immediate vicinity of the Russian borders,” said Kirillov, the head of the AFR’s radiation, chemical and biological defense unit.

Visit FauciTruth.com for more news about the former NIAID director.

Watch the below video that talks about the shameful legacy of Anthony Fauci.

This video is from the LSNTV channel on Brighteon.com.

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